Now for the updates on my summer! I'm under the presumption that if you didn't care, you wouldn't STILL be reading this, so I'll continue...
First and foremost, we have become big (BIG!) followers of Team Gates BMX (Ethan Gates = 6-Year Old Rookie Class, Evan Gates = 3-Year Old Training Wheel Class). If you want to come check it out, meet us at Hire Park BMX! The dates & times can be found by going to & clicking on Schedule! It's a ton of fun & they have great food @ great prices! The following pics are from June 3, 2007...we have a race this week @ 12:30. Hope to see you there routing for Team Gates BMX...I think YaYa's working on our team shirts. lol Come show your support for your fellow-Ruperts (or offspring thereof...)!! 
Let's see. I have a (fairly) new co-worker who has become a great friend. Her name is Jodi & we've been hanging out together a lot. We seem to have a great deal in common, which is nice to find in a friend! :) Recently, she & I went to her uncle's house in Lima, OH for the weekend & had a blast. He has a 1/2-acre pond & a house complete with double-sided margarita machine, ice cream machine, double deep-fryer & many extra bedrooms, so we got our food & drink (& a
couple of extra pounds!!) on and crashed! Here's a picture from that weekend. As you can tell, we had a really great time. We were celebrating her cousin Lacey's 23rd birthday...Jodi & I were feeling really old in comparison to all of Lacey's friends!!!
Fortunately, as a Financial Advisor for Allstate, I get a few added added perks! I gave mom an early birthday present (FYI: her actual b-day is August 28th, send her an e-card!!!!) by taking her to the 2007 Allstate 400. I was given tickets & hospitality passes & took her as my guest...needless to say, we had a blast!!! Her man Jeff Gordon didn't win, but we were close enough for her try to get phone numbers from his pit crew...sorry Dad, she was unstoppable!!! We saw a
few crazies, but then we seem to attract them wherever we go... The guy (gal??) in the checkered outfit needs mental help. Honestly, who would do that on purpose???!? In the other photo I'm sandwiched between two guys who were kind enough to carry our coolers back to mom's car for us (after we'd carried them the first 27.2 miles...I thought mom was gonna die...we'd already "stopped to sit for a spell" & still had another 19.3 miles to!). They were honestly very nice & very helpful to us, just a wee bit weird & a tad bit scary...that's not exactly a smile on my face, more of a look to say "Mom, take it quickly so
I can get them away from me!!!" lol After we were safely tucked into the car & waiting...& waiting...& waiting in traffic, I snapped a picture of me with an actual smile on my face (as opposed to the semi-fearful look in the picture with the guys!). This is to show you that we were STILL having a great time after all of the walking, sweating, cheering, laughing, going deaf, walking, sweating & laughing some more. I took one of mom too, but she wouldn't e-mail it to me. Something about a WACKED OUT hairdo. I don't know what she's talking about... LOL...doesn't she know that's why I chose to TAKE that picture???!!! We (read: MOM) did decide that next year mom gets to choose the parking seems that she wasn't very satisfied with her decision to allow me to recommend the spot this year..."I know this great little spot that's really close & we won't have to pay much for can walk a little, right, mom?" Oh, right. I'll never live that down, let me tell
you...the only thing I was remotely accurate on was the great price for parking!!! ROTFL!!! Oh well, we had the BEST TIME EVER & she has since posted a picture of us on her myspace page that says I'm still her favorite daughter. Go me! :) lol Now, I'm sure this goes without saying, but I will mention it anyhow: I don't need anybody making a comment in regard to this post that says I'm her ONLY daughter. You have no proof of that. Even if you did (which you don't, remember?), I'd still be her favorite. JUST ASK HER!!!!! lol GO TWO FOUR!!!!!!!!!!
What else??? Hmmm...oh yeah. I've been trying to avoid sitting around my house by myself when the boys aren't there. Instead, I've been doing fun stuff with friends...not just Jodi, I do have
other friends! lol Here are a couple of pictures of us at a party @ Benn & Marci's house on 8.4.07 (not that you know them, but you should, they're fun people!)...we had a blast, as you can likely tell. Then last Friday (8.17.07) we all went to see a local band called 'Plow' at 4D's in Fort Wayne. Here are a few pictures from that as well. Okay, that's all for my post (I know, I know, you wish I'd ramble on...hey it's called Rupert RAMBLINGS, just trying to do my part!). E-mail me if you have questions or comments or want additional details about ANYTHING. Talk to everyone soon. Love & kisses!........Cheryl
P.S. I don't want to be the only one adding to this better add to it too!! I managed to come up with all of this...certainly you can come up with something too!!! Look out though, I started this thing thinking it was going to be short!
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