Cheryl surprised me with ANOTHER birthday present....a brand new "do" ....wasn't that great of her? ....I have been having a lot of "stinkin thinkin" days lately (for those of you who don't know that is what Paula Deen calls your down days ) and she wanted to cheer me up....Here is a photo of the two of us with our new look....
I did not get it styled ...just a cut and color/highlight...but I really like the color and it felt good to get rid of all the gray ....I sometimes look in the mirror and go "who is that ole' gray haired lady" more ..tomorrow it will be "who is that blond babe"... :) Thanks Cheryl !!! I always knew you were an amazing daughter and now you are also my amazing friend....I am proud everyday that you are my daughter and I hope I always make you proud as your Mom.
OK, so much for the gushy stuff....
To top all this off she also took me to Stacey's Lounge for lunch....This is one of my favorite places to eat...I love their Chicken Breast and Country Salad....Yum-0! And all this was in addition to the early b'day gift she had ALREADY given to me , which was a trip to the Allstate Brickyard 400 Nascar race....My man, Jeff Gordon, did not win that day but we had really great seats right in front of the pits and we had an absolutely wonderful time....Here's a photo from that day to share: ...forgive the silly looking hats, it was 100 degrees in the shade and no shade....sometimes a girls gotta wear what a girls gotta wear...

I am still hoping to hear from all of you with answers to the High School Questionnaire.....if this blog is to be successful you all need to contribute....also, Laura is putting together a book of family genealogy...and I thought these little quiz's would inspire you to give us a glimpse into where your life journey has taken you and how you see things...Interesting fodder for your great-grand kids to talk about at some future family reunion when we are no longer there.....but maybe I am just annoying everyone......If so, sorry, OK I have officially apologised to those I have get over it and humor me is my birthday after all :)
1 comment:
HA!!! What a pic...I obviously didn't have mine styled either. & where's our makeup person...I know we MUST have one...
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